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:: Courses and Workshops Offered

Exploration of the Journalistic Texts in the Class of Mathematics: ways for elaboration and application of activities

- "Development of Learning Objects of Differential and Integral Calculus and the Initial Mathematics Teachers Education " - Presential Course offered in the first semester of 2009 by Program of Postgraduate in Mathematics Education of Institute of Geoscience and Science - UNESP/Rio Claro, by PhD Teacher Rosana G. S. Miskulin and by student of Masters in Mathematics Education Edinei Leandro dos Reis. (2009) - Summary of the Course (in Portuguese)

- "Analysis of Errors and Writing in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics" - Distance Course offered in the second semester of 2008 by Program of Postgraduate in Mathematics Education of Institute of Geoscience and Science - UNESP/Rio Claro, by PhD Teacher Rosana G. S. Miskulin and PhD Teacher Miriam G. Penteado and by student of Masters in Mathematics Education Leonardo Barichello. (2008)

- "The insertion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Mathematics Education - Reflections on Theoretical and Methodological in the Context of Teacher Education to teach mathematics" - Distance Course offered in the first semester of 2007 by Program of Postgraduate in Mathematics Education of Institute of Geoscience and Science - UNESP/Rio Claro, by PhD Teacher Rosana G. S. Miskulin and PhD Teacher Miriam G. Penteado and by student of Masters in Mathematics Education Carla R. Mariano. (2007) - Summary of the Course (in Portuguese)

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